A Guide On Earlobe Reconstruction By Gavello Method


The earlobe is an anatomical structure that has a critical function in good taste. Its careful correction tests the difficulty of obtaining a character appearing and a solid result. The breeders present two options: the Gavello method and the bilobed fold, after the extraction of defamatory neoplasms from the earlobe. The Gavello procedure uses a bilobed fold with a frontal base to shape the new ear lobe. D’Hooghe’s bilobed fold with pre-and post-auricular projection allows the reconstruction of small lobes. Although old, both methods win a significant and current award in the reconstruction of the earlobe, due to the moderate level of problems, the use of a careful act of solitary time and under sedation of the neighborhood, with a legitimate result of good taste.

Earlobe- An Anatomical Structure

The earlobe is an anatomical structure of small measures without explicit capacity but elegant and critical work. With an abundant blood supply and no cartilaginous tissue, the hidden test in its reconstruction is identified with the difficulty of obtaining a lasting result and worthy of good taste. Virtually all reconstructive techniques for complete correction of the earlobe suggest neighboring tissue to make a dedicated or bilobed fold. Persistent distortion, the area of ​​scarring, and the reasonableness of the surrounding tissue are the key factors that decide the determination of the reconstructive technique of earlobe reconstruction.

The Whole Introduction

There are some procedures described for this reason, and all can be performed with neighborhood sedation. Gavello, in the 1970s, was one of the main creators to portray a technique that uses a bilobed fold with a frontal base located below the auricular deformity. The fold is raised and folded evenly, with the frontal fold framing the reproduced lobe’s anterior part. The two folds, covering, structure the new earlobe. The fold’s incomparable edge is sutured to the auricular deformity, and the benefactor’s area is sutured mainly.1 Depending on the fixed imperfection size, a cutaneous or cartilaginous joint can be vital for earlobe reconstruction.

The bilobed fold was represented essentially by D’Hooghe, composed of two wings; both supported on a substandard base, found individually in the pre and post-auricular folds. The two wings are raised and joined in remaking the new ear lobe. The weakness of this strategy is that it may well be applied distinctly for minor imperfections.